This year, I have signed up to donating my early mornings, leisurely weekends and the intent to cut down on caffeine, to the pursuit of my PhD in Consulting Psychology. It is exciting and admittedly a tad daunting, and with such emotions swirling about my head and heart, I suddenly feel quite lonely! The antidote? To bring you along with me on my journey.
So from February 2017, once or maybe twice a week, I am going to share every meaningful insight and learning with you! After each lecture, assignment, debate and discussion; after every late night head scratch and coffee buzzed inspiration, I will pull out the nuggets of what I am learning and share them with you. For free! With brevity! And if I have the energy, I will encourage a conversation with a growing community of you!
Who do I think will find this interesting, useful, thought-provoking and informative?
HR practitioners, both within and outside of organisations, Coaches, Facilitators, Consultants, CEO’s, MD’s, Leaders of Teams, Leaders of Change…you get it? With all these people tuning in and offering their best thinking, this might become a gold mine of learning for anyone who believes that People are a key differentiator in successful organisations.
In the end, I believe the debate and sharing of ideas across the followers of this blog will be most useful to us all. So come along, join me!