2019 to 2020 – from Reflection to Intention
There is no doubt that without pausing to reflect, we struggle to name and bank our learning. At worst, we become consumed in negative emotion and irrational triggers. Sometimes we need to arrest these struggles and, at best, reset the balance of how we interpret and store our experiences. What helps even more, is to […]
Are you Inhibiting or Enhancing the Transfer of Learning in others?
Initially I thought the specific focus of my thesis was clear, but the more I read the more I discover how much insightful research has already been done. With every new article, I gasp at the treasure trove of information out there – available but oddly out of reach in some academic dungeon. I think […]
7 Reflections on the OD field
It is not often in life that a decision yields returns that exceed my expectations. Especially positively. As a Clinical Psychologist working in the field of Organisational Psychology, I have often flirted with studying further, mainly to build some conscious competence in the latter field. The thought of scratching about the inner psyche of psychiatric […]
Are you absolutely certain that you believe everything you think?
In the past, rocking up at university had pretty much been about slip slops, board shorts and lateness. So heading back to the towers of learning in smart-casual business wear rattled the 20-something student of decades ago (scary use of the word ‘decades’). It didn’t take long though for the weight of WISDOM, and the […]
What is Consulting Psychology anyway?
This is what Oxford Google Dictionary spat out: Consulting psychology is a specialty area of psychology that addresses such areas as assessment and interventions at the individual, group, and organizational levels. Mmm. isn’t that what I’m already doing? umm, and many of you? The fact is, often this work we do is like building a plane […]